Owner and organization
Here you will find information about FOREX's owners, structure, organization and corporate governance. You will also find the Board of Directors and Board Committees, information about the auditor, control functions, guidelines for diversity and the management team at FOREX.

The company was founded in 1965 and until 2003 was engaged in the sale of travel currency and payment intermediation. In 2003, FOREX was granted a banking license and thus also ran banking operations until 2022 when the bank was wound up in favor of investing in strengthening FOREX's position as the Nordic market leader in travel currency. FOREX also offers other services and products related to travel and is available in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. We currently have 80 stores in the Nordic region.
FOREX, 516406-0104, is owned by the Friberg family, where Beth Friberg owns 50% and Tom Friberg owns 50% of the capital and votes. The business is controlled through the Risk Control, Compliance and Internal Audit functions.