Cookies and tracking

We use cookies and other similar technologies on our website, among other things, to improve the experience, advertise and analyze traffic. Our cookies can be changed or deleted and new ones added.

Cookies and tracking

We use cookies and other similar technologies on our website, among other things, to improve the experience, advertise and analyze traffic. Our cookies can be changed or deleted and new ones added. We encourage you to review our Privacy Notice for further information about the processing of your personal data.


What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. They are convenient because they allow a website to recognize a user's device. We also use the term "cookie" for a variety of other technologies including:

  • Pixel tags - transparent graphic images placed on a web page that indicate that a page or email has been viewed

  • Tracking scripts - small snippets of code that collect information from interactions

  • Local Storage - used to store temporary information on your device

More information about cookies can be found on the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority's website.


In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we must obtain your consent before using cookies that are not necessary on your visit. We obtain your consent via our cookie banner by ticking that you agree to our use of cookies.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies have many different functions, such as allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving your user experience. They can also make the ads you see online more relevant to you and your interests. Below you can see what types of cookies we use and how we use the information collected:

  • Necessary – these cookies are necessary to make the website usable and secure by enabling basic functions such as secure login, protection against security threats and allowing you to experience efficient loading of the website. No personally identifiable information is stored through these cookies. Without these cookies, the website cannot function optimally. 

  • Functional – these cookies are used to allow us to remember choices you have made when you previously visited our site, which enables the website to improve the user experience and functionality. 

  • Statistics (performance) – these cookies collect statistics about your use of our website, in aggregate and anonymous. These cookies help us to count traffic sources and analyze visitors' user behavior and how visitors move around the website. This facilitates the identification of technical problems and enables an improved performance of the website. Statistics cookies collect information about how users interact with our digital channels, which gives us lessons about overall interaction patterns rather than individual users' behaviors. We also collect information about your activities and shown interest on our website for advertising. 

  • Marketing – We use marketing cookies to personalise and improve your experience on our website and in third-party advertising. Marketing cookies are also used so that we can display relevant and targeted advertising in our advertising channels such as search engines, social media and ad networks.


Cookies can have three different storage periods:

  • The session expires, that is, until the visitor closes the browser.

  • Certain time limit, i.e. there is a predetermined storage period for the specific cookie.

  • Until further notice, i.e. the cookie is stored until the visitor deactivates/blocks it.

You can find more information about each individual cookie's storage period where you change your cookie settings, click on "change cookie settings" at the bottom of any of the FOREX websites.


Some third-party providers are headquartered outside the EU/EEA. This means that when you consent to the placement of third-party tools provided by US companies such as Google and Facebook, your personal data may be transferred to a country outside the EU/EEA ("third country").

These cookies are set by external providers and are used, for example, to collect information about your browsing activity on our website and to deliver targeted advertisements. Third-party cookies can also be used to analyze the website's performance and improve the user experience.

Please note that these third-party providers may have their own privacy policies and data protection practices, which may differ from ours. We recommend that you review these policies to get a better understanding of how your personal data is handled by these providers. You can find these here.



In your browser, you can change your general settings for how it handles cookies, for example block all cookies or only accept, for example, first-party cookies.

Information on how to turn off cookies (withdraw your consent) can be found in the instructions provided to your browser.

If you want to set which cookies and scripts you accept specifically for our site, you can do so by clicking on "Change Cookie Settings" at the bottom of the homepage, in the footer. There you will also find a list of which cookies and scripts we use. The administration of cookie consent and the continuous scanning of the site to keep the list updated is based on the Cookiebot service. NB! It is worth bearing in mind that if you block or delete cookies, it may affect the use of the website so that the experience will not be optimal.

You are also always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.


When you consent to the use of cookies, it means that we process your personal data, more specifically your IP address and/or device ID. Read more in our Privacy Information about how we process personal data and how you can contact us if you want to exercise your rights under the GDPR.


We recommend that you use current browsers. We support Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer version 11.

When you visit this website, you agree not to manipulate or display the page through frames or similar technologies that exist now and in the future. You also agree not to violate the international laws of Sweden or any other country.


Reservation for possible inaccuracies
We reserve the right to any inaccuracies presented on the website. If you find something that is not correct, we are grateful if you let us know by phone 0771-22 22 21.


The content of this website is protected by copyright law. Any copying of graphics, source code and other material is prohibited without the author's permission.


Last updated 2024-06-03