In Cape Verde, a cup costs


7-23 SEK

One hour

taxi ride

93-186 SEK

Cape Verde's main airports

Amílcar Cabral International Airport (Sal) [SID]

Nelson Mandela International Airport (Praia) [RAI]

Cesária Évora Airport (São Vicente) [VXE]

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Above view of beach meeting the sea with waves

Currency information

In Cape Verde, you pay with Cape Verde escudo (CVE) and Euro, (EUR). Means of payment accepted are cash and cards.

Most used means of payment


Primary currency in Cape Verde
Recommended alternative currency in Cape Verde

Plan your trip to Cape Verde 

At FOREX, you can prepare and plan your trip to Cape Verde through services such as currency exchange, booking experiences and activities, finding flights and travel insurance. Cape Verde is an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, known for its volcanic landscapes, beautiful sandy beaches, and Creole culture. The islands offer a great mix of African and Portuguese influences, which can be seen in the food, music, and architecture. 

Things to Do in Cape Verde 

Explore popular cities and neighborhoods like Praia, Santa Maria on Sal, and Mindelo on São Vicente. Popular attractions include the blue-and-white beach of Santa Maria, the impressive salt craters of Pedra de Lume, and the lively music scene of Mindelo. Cape Verde not only offers outstanding nature and culture, but also a sense of calm and freedom under the endless sky. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing and swimming, water sports such as surfing and diving, as well as relaxing moments on the beaches. The best way to get around Cape Verde is by minibus (aluguer), taxi or by renting a car to explore the islands at your own pace. 

Book experiences in Cape Verde

FOREX index for Cape Verde

The FOREX Index compares average prices for middle-class or three-star hotels, restaurants and taxis, among others.

Cash Index
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Palm trees down to the sea on a promenade

Time Zone: UTC-1

Average tip on


5-10 %

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